Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Arkansas Nuclear One By Night

I have a hat. It's a ballcap that has flashlights in the bill. I'm not trying to make you jealous but there are 3 of them: click once and 2 crossbeams light up and point at your palette; click twice and a super beam points straight out in front of you, at your canvas; three times and all 3 are lit and you look like a real goober :-) I found out that the front beam is too bright to use for painting in the dark, it wrecks your night vision. Also, you need to really know your palette and what your colors will do when you mix them because the eye (at least my eye) is not very color-discerning in the dark. It's kind of funny, when you think of the subject matter, that only the rods are working. Get it? It's funny on a subatomic level. This painting is also very small: 5x7. With it, I've tried to show the beauty of that cooling tower at night.


  1. This is beautiful Kim. I've just been looking through our museum's annual bulletin where they had a lovely painting by Whistler of Fireworks--from our permanent collection which made me cross the gallery floor to take a closer look. This painting reminded me of that. Great hat! Great idea that never even occurred to me.

  2. Thank you, that really means a lot to me; I am in love with Whistler's nocturnes! And I got the hat at Sears. It's a Craftsman workman's hat and was very inexpensive :-)

  3. So had you tried nocturne painting before you discovered the hat, or did the hat get you started?
    The color balances are delightful!

  4. Hi Steve :-) The hat got me started. Thank you for noticing the color balance and now I must tell you that I balanced the color in the studio where I could see what it looked like for real. More practice must be had!
